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Should I Moisturize My Lips After Permanent Lip Makeup? Key Recommendations

Find out whether it is safe to wet your lips after getting permanent makeup done and discover the best practices to ensure long-lasting results and proper healing.

It is crucial to avoid wetting your lips for the first 48 hours after getting permanent lip makeup to allow the pigments to fully settle and minimize the risk of infection.

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Once the initial healing period is over, you can gently moisturize your lips using a hydrating lip balm or petroleum jelly to prevent dryness and maintain the color intensity.

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Avoid rubbing or exfoliating your lips aggressively as it can cause the pigments to fade faster. Instead, lightly pat them with a soft towel if needed.

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Make sure to protect your lips from excessive sun exposure by applying a lip balm with SPF before going outside, as UV rays can fade the color and cause damage to the delicate skin.

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Avoid swimming in chlorinated pools or saltwater for at least two weeks after the procedure, as these can affect the healing process and cause the color to fade or change.


Avoid excessive consumption of hot liquids, spicy foods, and citrus fruits during the healing period, as these can potentially irritate the sensitive skin and affect the color retention.


If you experience any unusual swelling, pain, or signs of infection, consult your permanent makeup artist or a medical professional to ensure proper care and avoid complications.

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Follow the aftercare instructions provided by your permanent makeup artist and resist the temptation to pick or scratch your lips, as this can disrupt the healing process and lead to undesirable results.

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Avoid using harsh skincare products or makeup on your lips during the healing period, as they can interfere with the pigmentation and cause irritation. Stick to gentle and hypoallergenic options.

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Remember, every individuals healing process may vary, so its essential to listen to your body and follow the personalized recommendations given by your permanent makeup artist.

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